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 Trollstigen1 Jul 2018
YouTube: adRsfMwpnQk★★☆☆☆
 Queen Valley (AZ)5 Apr 2018
YouTube: 4KeZ7Pzbd9U★★★★
 Suchá14 Oct 2017
YouTube: lnIUh2bPxu0★★★★★
 Crucea de Piatră3 Oct 2017
YouTube: P-iFx3VIiQ0★★★★★
 Crucea de Piatră14 Sep 2017
YouTube: mWvP3QG18v0★★★★
 Fort St. John (BC)3 Sep 2017
YouTube: d3ajks8OHCo★★★★★
 Weert25 May 2017
YouTube: h0s_P74oQD4★★★★
 Port Tabacco (MD)18 Mar 2017
YouTube: 2wII24qSpDw★★★★
 Volgograd (VGG)18 Mar 2017
YouTube: _p_inSwZcPQ★★★☆☆
 Charles Town (WV)Feb 2017
YouTube: JJpSYozvasc★★★★
 RugeleySummer 2016
YouTube: mgrI0MHZQQc★★★☆☆
 New York City (NY)Jul 2016
YouTube: QGKkhZE2Fk0★★☆☆☆
 Ayden (NC)16 Oct 2016
YouTube: 6BUA6zdbgEE★★★★
 Nueva Talcuna24 Mar 2016
YouTube: O9R1wMq0VOI★★☆☆☆
 Maryland Point (MD)12 Dec 2015
YouTube: 9P2A8m7RgnA★★★★★
 Sion13 Nov 2015
YouTube: dNrtU1z_5EQ★★★☆☆
 Westbury26 Sep 2015
YouTube: VjW_QyXtyHA★★★★★

 Crucea de Piatră, 14 Sep 2017

 Abstract  The object can bee seen coming into the view from far distance. Early in the footage it seems to approach from a higher altitude and is then traveling in a straight line towards the camera. Like in case P-iFx3VIiQ0 from the same originator and same camera position the lighting conditions are favorable for image analysis. The object seems to morph during flight and the images are sufficiently detailed to rule out common flying machines and animals. The originator provides a very good video analysis of the footage in his original YouTube upload.

Video Info
User:Malin Oloier 
Published:06 Oct 2017
Frame rate:25fps
Drone model: DJI Phantom 3 4K
Files: archived original description and comments on YouTube
Content Info
Viewpoint*: 44.16382, 26.005062goo.gl/maps/AAZzY7vvUK72
Time: 14 Sep 2017 18:32 (Eastern European Time, UTC+02:00)
Weather: 28°C, 1012hPa, 20% humid., 7.4 km/h wind WSWmore 
Object Analysis Results
Appears in frames:44 to 154 (00:01:760 to 00:06:160 m:s:ms)
First/last appearance*:(44.16175, 25.977444)  /  (44.161583, 26.002833)
Object's direction:W to E
Passed distance:2.02km (18.2m per frame) (unreliable)
Traveling speed:1637.8km/h (unreliable)Review methodology for this estimate

Data Reliability and Quality

For more comments on the originator Malin Oloier and the technical equipment see case P-iFx3VIiQ0 description page. As I conclude in that case, there is no very compelling reason in the footage to doubt its reliability. However, we can also not fully preclude that this footage is a hoax.

Close-Up View and Smear Effect

The low evening sun over a clear sky causes bright objects to reflect a lot of the sun light into the camera sensor. Therefore, the object appears very clear and bright, which is consistent with the other bright objects in the scene (e.g. the white roof tops and cars).

Similar to other cases of possible WFM footage recorded with the same camera model, the smear effect is noticeable and weak (see figure 1 and case P-iFx3VIiQ0, Close-Up View for the related discussion).

Fig 1. Left: animated close-up. Right: capture from last frame in which it is visible.

The object appears sufficiently large in the footage to observe its shape. Similar to the other case of possible WFM footage from the same originator the object does not seem to have a distinct and stable shape. As Figure 2 shows the object shows a cloud-like morphing behavior. However, the morphing object does not seem to be subject to distortion by drag against the air.

Fig 2. Cloud-like morphing behavior (zoomed version by originator, 2.3MB, 1280 x 1350 pixels))

Travel Path

The originator already provides a detailed analysis of the travel path (figure 3) with which I agree after framy-by-frame analysis.

Similar to another case (h0s_P74oQD4) the object seems to significantly lower its altitude before passing the drone. The object does not follow the parabolic trajectory of a falling object, indicating that it is propelled. After its decrease in altitude early in the footage the object seems to remain on roughly the same altitude.

Fig 3. Traveled path as analysed by the originator.

Estimation of Travel Speed

Employing the standard methodology with an estimated travel distance as shown in figure 4 below, we can infer a travel speed of about 1,638km/h. However, in this case this estimate is particularly unreliable, because the visible travel path in the image indicates a noticeable change of the object's altitude.

However, on the other hand, as figure 1 indicates, a smear effect consistent with such a very fast moving object shot with a Sony Exmor sensor is visible.

Fig 4. Estimated traveled distance (unreliable).

Weather Conditions

Its a very warm summer day with only weak wind. The phenomenon cannot be explained as a mundane weather phenomenon.


Fig A.1. Distance between camera and nearest publicly available weather station at Bucharest Baneasa Airport.

* Geographic coordinates are given as a vector of latitudes and longitudes in format WGS 84 as used by Google maps.

† The detailed point in time of the capture was stated by the originator of the footage.

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